Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's Starting...

It's finally happening! My adventure as a Community Relations Coordinator with Up With People is starting in Globe, Arizona. For those of you that have no stinkin' idea what I'm talking about here is the 411:

Up With People ( is a global education program for international participants 18-29 years old. For a semester, the participants experience world travel, community service and performance in a musical/dance show for the communities they visit.

My job is to travel to a city in advance of the cast's (that's what we call them) arrival. This particular cast consists of 55 people, representing 18 countries. I will be setting up host families, meals, community service projects and details regarding their show, presentations, etc. I will be working to make sure the community, our sponsor,the cast and road staff's experience will be absolutely wonderful.

So far everything is going great. I have LOTS to do, but there are a lot of people willing to help. I am missing my friends, family, and all the cast members and road staff back in Colorado, but I am also excited for this adventure. Here are only some of the beautiful people that I am missing already (thanks to some of the friends who I stole these from!).

Here are my fellow CRC's who will be busily working around the country with me. How we managed to not kill each other after training together 8 hours everyday for 3 weeks straight is quite a miracle. Haha, you guys are great.

So that's it for now. Since I'd rather make this blog about you or whoever is reading this, I am hoping to keep you connected by posing a question everytime. If you are worried that I won't be interested, please don't because I absolutely will be. So here is the question:

Tell me something that has happened that made your summer extraordinary/unique/interesting, or tell me something that is still to come that could result in your summer being kick-butt.

Email, facebook, calling or replying to this blog are all welcome forms of communication. I hope to hear from many of you.

Next blog: What is living in Globe, AZ really like and what is it like living with the County Supervisor as your host mom??

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